Tag: migrations

The hole, the corridor and the landings: reframing Lampedusa through the COVID-19 emergency / A new publication by Luca Giliberti & Luca Queirolo Palmas

Photo credits: IFRC (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Abstract [EN]

This article presents the results of an ethnography carried out in Lampedusa – a fundamental hub in the border spectacle of irregular migrations – during the COVID-19 emergency, where landings have increased, especially from Tunisia. Through fieldwork and interviews to local key actors, the research aims to answer the following intertwined questions: how does migrant agency develop? How is the borderwork reinvented? How do different local groups and authorities act, react, and interact with migrant agency and borderwork? These questions are addressed, scrutinizing three steps of a migrants’ corridor towards Europe: firstly, the landings and their social fabrication around the piers; secondly, the hole and the confinement fences on the hotspot-island; thirdly, the forced return to sea on the quarantine ships. In this way, the article shows how the pandemic becomes a constituent moment in border policies, devices and procedures, opening up a reinforced space–time of migrants’ containment.

Abstract [IT]

Questo articolo presenta i risultati di un’etnografia, realizzata durante l’emergenza COVID-19, a Lampedusa – snodo fondamentale nello spettacolo del confine delle migrazioni irregolari – dove sono aumentati gli sbarchi, soprattutto dalla Tunisia. Attraverso un lavoro di ricerca sul campo e una serie di interviste ad attori chiave locali, la ricerca vuole rispondere a una serie di domande intrecciate tra loro: come si sviluppa l’agency dei migranti? Come si reinventa il confine? In che modo i diversi gruppi e le autorità locali agiscono, reagiscono e interagiscono con l’agency dei migranti e il borderwork? Queste domande vengono affrontate, scrutando tre passaggi di un corridoio migratorio verso l’Europa: in primo luogo, gli sbarchi e la loro fabbricazione sociale intorno ai moli; in secondo luogo, il buco e le recinzioni di confinamento sull’isola-hotspot; terzo, il ritorno forzato in mare sulle navi-quarantena. In questo modo, l’articolo mostra come la pandemia diventi un momento costitutivo delle politiche, dei dispositivi e delle procedure di frontiera, aprendo uno spazio-tempo rafforzato di contenimento dei migranti.

Luca Giliberti & Luca Queirolo Palmas (2021) The hole, the corridor and the landings: reframing Lampedusa through the COVID-19 emergency, Ethnic and Racial Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1953558

border, borderland, borderwork, confine, hotspot, Lampedusa, migranti, migrants, migrations, migrazioni

Eufemia, « Les naufragés et les rescapés ». De Gênes à Nice / Eufemia, “I sommersi e i salvati”. Da Genova a Nizza

Après une période de suspension liée à la propagation de la pandémie “Eufemia“, le projet du collectif artistique Milotta & Donchev trouve un nouveau lieu d’exposition à l’université de la Côte d’Azur.

L’exposition fera l’objet de nombreuses manifestations académiques et publiques, telles que des masters, des conférences sur la sociologie visuelle, des tables rondes liées à la sortie de livres sur la migration, des visites scolaires, des films-débats, etc.

L’événement de son inauguration, qui se tiendra le 22 juin à 18h30, accompagne le colloque international “Tri migratoire et expérience du blocage : Afrique, Amériques, Europe”.

L’installation, située à Université Côte d’Azur, hall de la MSHS (25 avenue François Mitterrand 06300 Nice) sera ouverte du 22 juin au 15 novembre 2021.

L’événement bénéficie du soutien de l’Université de Gênes et de l’Université Côte d’Azur. ‘Azur, l’Urmis, la Maison des sciences de l’homme et de la société Sud-Est.

Dopo un periodo di sospensione legato alla diffusione della pandemia, “Eufemia” il progetto del collettivo artistico Milotta & Donchev trova una nuova sede di esposizione presso l’Università della Costa Azzurra.
La mostra sarà al centro di numerosi eventi accademici e pubblici, come master, conferenze di sociologia visuale, tavole rotonde relative all’uscita di libri sulle migrazioni, visite scolastiche, dibattiti cinematografici, ecc.
L’evento della sua inaugurazione che si terrà il 22 giugno alle ore 18:30, accompagna le colloque international “Tri migratoire et expérience du blocage: Afrique, Amériques, Europe“.

L’installazione, collocata presso l’Université Côte d’Azur, hall de la MSHS (25 avenue François Mitterrand 06300 Nice) sarà visitabile dal 22 giugno al 15 novembre 2021.

L’evento ha il sostegno dell’Università di Genova e dell’Université Côte d’Azur, dell’Urmis, della Maison des sciences de l’homme et de la société Sud-Est

Art based research, border, borderscape, confini, Eufemia, I sommersi e i salvati, migrations, migrazioni

Solidarity crimes podcast. Call for episodes

Throughout the last decade, a multiplicity of civil and penal law sanctions has been applied to contrast solidarity to migrants in any kind of geographic context. In a report published in 2020, whose icastic title is “Punishing Compassion. Solidarity on Trial in Fortress Europe”, Amnesty International attested a huge number of cases of criminalization of solidarity across Italy, France, Spain, Greece, UK, Croatia, Malta and Switzerland. And the current situation is going worse and worse.

To understand the consequences of the criminalization of solidarity is going to produce in the EU states, as well as in the lives of many people (migrants, solidarity actors, researchers, citizens) the Visual Sociology Research Group is launching a new collaborative podcast series focused on solidarity crimes.

For this reason a call for episodes has been opened.

Deadline: 30.04.2021

To download the Call for episodes, please click here!

border, call for episodes, migrations, podcast, solidarity crimes

Let’s talk about Tunisia with prof. Hassen Boubakri (Université de Sousse)

Photo credits: ‘Department for International Development/Kate Joseph’.

Dans cet épisode du podcast nous nous déplaçons en Tunisie. Silvia Di Meo (Université de Gênes) interviewe Hassen Boubakri (Université de Sousse) l’interrogeant sur la construction de la Tunisie et des espaces transfrontaliers comme zones de confinement des migrants, un processus qui peut être considéré comme une conséquence de la décision de l’UE d’externaliser ses frontières. Par ailleurs, au cours de la discussion, le professeur Boubarki met l’accent sur le rôle des sujets de solidarité le long de la route migratoire et sur l’importance croissante des pratiques de recherche académique engagées dans les processus de solidarité.

Pour écouter l’épisode, cliquez ici!

In this episode of the podcast we move to Tunisia. Silvia Di Meo (University of Genoa) interviews Hassen Boubakri (Université de Sousse) questioning him about the construction of Tunisia and of transboundary spaces as areas of confinement for migrants, a process which can be considered a conequence of the EU decision to externalize its borders. Furthermore, during the discussion, Professor Boubarki focuses on the role of the subjects of solidarity along the migratory route and on the growing importance of academic research practices engaged in solidarity processes.

To listen to the episode, please click here!

border, migrations, podcast, Tunisia

Corso Andrea Podestà, 2 - 16121 Genova (GE)


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