Photo credits: ‘Department for International Development/Kate Joseph’.
Dans cet épisode du podcast nous nous déplaçons en Tunisie. Silvia Di Meo (Université de Gênes) interviewe Hassen Boubakri (Université de Sousse) l’interrogeant sur la construction de la Tunisie et des espaces transfrontaliers comme zones de confinement des migrants, un processus qui peut être considéré comme une conséquence de la décision de l’UE d’externaliser ses frontières. Par ailleurs, au cours de la discussion, le professeur Boubarki met l’accent sur le rôle des sujets de solidarité le long de la route migratoire et sur l’importance croissante des pratiques de recherche académique engagées dans les processus de solidarité.
In this episode of the podcast we move to Tunisia. Silvia Di Meo (University of Genoa) interviews Hassen Boubakri (Université de Sousse) questioning him about the construction of Tunisia and of transboundary spaces as areas of confinement for migrants, a process which can be considered a conequence of the EU decision to externalize its borders. Furthermore, during the discussion, Professor Boubarki focuses on the role of the subjects of solidarity along the migratory route and on the growing importance of academic research practices engaged in solidarity processes.
The Visual Sociology Research Group makes available three lessons of University of Genoa Social Sciences PhD Program – Curriculum “Migrations and intercultural processes”. The lessons will be accessible for free to a maximum of ten people interested in the subject. Anyone wishing to participate in the lessons is kindly requested to send an email to Prof. Queirolo Palmas (, explaining the reasons for the interest and providing a short presentation and a CV.
Here is the calendar of meetings:
prof. Khalid Mouna
Moulay Ismail University of Meknes
Doing etnography. Everyday life and agency in Refugees camps in Morocco”
prof. Swanie Potot
A critical perspective on Migration Studies
prof. Marco Martiniello
UnIversité de Liege
Arte e migrazioni. Esperienze di ricerche in Europa
The second of a cycle of seminars which aims to extend the boundaries of the social sciences by integrating other languages and fields of knowledge. In order to attend, please register sending an e-mail to jacopo.anderlini [ at ] before the 3rd of March.
Date: Monday, 15.03.2021 | h. 17:00 – 19:00 Location: online. Digital platform provided by C.I.R.C.E., NetHood and
This seminar/workshop will focus on the complex relationship between social sciences, humanities, and digital technologies, focusing on the “making” of social research: which practices, ideas, perspectives on technology emerge from interactions of researchers with the field? How can we “deborder” the distinctions and roles in the research process? Exploring the technological social realm in its historical, cultural, infrastructural dimensions, the seminar aims to explore appropriate methodologies in digital social research as a set of situated tactics to overcome social boundaries and positions in the field.
Participants at the workshop will be actively involved in the conversation and experimentations with digital tools. For this reason, we kindly ask you to register to the event, up to the 3rd March, sending an e-mail to: jacopo.anderlini [ at ]
The event will be recorded.
Chair: Jacopo Anderlini (University of Genoa, C.I.R.C.E.)
Doing research in social sciences with/on the “digital”: questioning digital ethnography
Jacopo Anderlini
How I learned to stop hacking and fear the computer: emotional practices in the cultural history of digital technologies
Ginevra Sanvitale (Eindhoven University of Technology)
On boundary objects for bridging research and action on digital empowerment
The case study. Ventimiglia, the last Italian town before the French border, capture the story of hundreds of thousands of migrant people who have tran- sited across this place on their way out Italy in recent years. Indeed, since June 2015, France reintroduced border controls with the declared aim of impeding unauthorised migrants from accessing its territory. In fact, migrants arriving in the city via Central Mediterranean and Balkan routes, with the hope of smoothly crossing the border are often blocked, pushback and forced to temporarily settle in urban spaces of precarious conditions.
The book. This collective work try to adopt an outlook that primarily focuses on the tension between control techniques and mobility practices. Assuming this approach means evaluating the border as a range of possible case combinations, amid the force of subjec- tivisation by border devices and the resistance of migrant people. Progressing from these theoretical and methodological coordinates, the book provides an in-depth analysis of how the Ventimiglia border is constantly reshaped as migration policies harden, and what kind of social, political, and economic impacts are produced at the local level. The book adopts a multi-disciplinary approach, including contributions of scholars from History, Geography, Sociology, Political Sciences, Law, and Anthro- pology, among other fields.
The book presentation will be held on the Zoom platform and it is scheduled on:
Wednesday, 24.02.2021 | h. 17:00 – 19:00
The book’s editors – Livio Amigoni (, Silvia Aru (, Ivano Bonnin ( and Gabriele Proglio ( – will present the book. Discussant: Enrico Fravega ( / HOASI).
Il caso di studio. Ventimiglia, l’ultima città italiana prima di sconfinare in Francia, cattura le storie di centinaia di migliaia di migranti che negli ultimi anni hanno transitato per quest’area uscendo dall’Italia. Dal giugno 2015 la Francia ha reintrodotto i controlli alle frontiere con l’obiettivo dichiarato di impedire ai migranti non autorizzati di accedere al proprio territorio. Di conseguenza, i migranti che arrivano in città dalla rotta del Mediterraneo centrale o dai Balcani, vengono spesso respinti e costretti a stabilirsi temporaneamente in spazi urbani in condizioni precarie.
Il libro. Il lavoro collettivo che si è portato avanti cerca di adottare una prospettiva focalizzata sulla tensione esistente tra tecniche di controllo e pratiche di mobilità. Assumere questo approccio significa valutare il confine come una gamma di possibili combinazioni di casi, tra la forza della soggettivazione da parte dei dispositivi di confine e la resistenza dei e delle migranti. Partendo da queste coordinate teoriche e metodologiche, il libro fornisce un’analisi approfondita di come il confine di Ventimiglia viene costantemente rimodellato con l’inasprirsi delle politiche migratorie e che tipo di impatti sociali, politici ed economici si producono a livello locale. Il volume adotta un approccio multidisciplinare, accorpando contributi di studiosi di storia, geografia, sociologia, scienze politiche, diritto e antropologia.
La presentazione del libro si terrà sulla piattaforma ZOOM ed è programmata per:
mercoledì, 24.02.2021! h. 17:00 – 19:00
Presentano il libro i curatori: Livio Amigoni (, Silvia Aru (, Ivano Bonnin ( e Gabriele Proglio ( Discussant: Enrico Fravega ( / HOASI).