Luisa Stagi

Associate professor

Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione

Genova. Corso Podestà, 2

Luisa Stagi is Associate Professor (permanent position) in Sociology at Genoa University; where she has also taught Methodology of Social Research (2004-2010) and Sociology  (2006-present).

Since 2005, she is member of the Doctoral School in Sociology of Genoa University where she has been Phd coordinator (2010-2103).

She is co-director of the AG-About gender- International journal of gender studies

During 2012/2015 she has been member of the scientific staff of the Ais (Italian Association of Sociology) – r.c. Methodology of Social Research.

In 2001 she achieved a PhD in Sociology and Methodology of Social Research. Following on from the PhD thesis to date Luisa Stagi has been working on several research projects concerning gender, the body, food, ethnography and visual studies.



Selected publications

2019, with BENASSO S., The carbonara-gate. Food porn and gastro-nationalism, in Italians and Food, in Sassatelli R. (ed.), Palgrave Mcmillan, Basingstoke.

2018, with BENASSO S., Ma una madre lo sa? La responsabilità della sana alimentazione nella società neoliberale, Genova, GUP (Genova University Press 

2018, with SEBAG J., DURAND P., LOUVEAU C., QUEIROLO L., La sociologie visuelle et filmique. Le point de vue dans la vie quotidienne, Gup, Genova. ISBN: 978-88-97752-97-4 

2018, with LOUVEAU C.,  La culture visuelle dans la vie quotidienne, in SEBAG J. et al. (2018) La sociologie visuelle et filmique. Le point de vue dans la vie quotidienne., Gup, Genova

2015 withQUEIROLO PALMAS L., Fare sociologia visuale. Immagini, movimenti e suoni nell’etnografia, Trento: professional Dreamers

2015, Mise en scene du genre dans les émissions culinaires italiennes, in JOURNAL DES ANTHROPOLOGUES, n°140-141, pp.73-92,


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