Associate professor
Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione
Genova. Corso Podestà, 2
Luca Queirolo Palmas is Professor in Sociology of Migration and Visual Sociology at Genoa University. Co-director of Mondi Migranti, Journal of Studies and Research on International Migrations, He directed several European projects on gangs, youth cultures, borders and migrations. He has been visiting professor in Barcelona, Quito, New York, San José de Costa Rica, Paris, and Tunis.
Associate Professor (Professore associato) in Sociology of Cultural and Media Processes
Scientific Advisory Board: TRANSGANG, ERC-2016-Adg
Associate Member of the Équipe Monde Arabe et Méditerranée (EMAM)
2021. Frontera Sur: Behind and beyond the fences of 2Ceuta and Melilla. Ethnography. 22(4):451-473.
2021. (with Giliberti, L.) The hole, the corridor and the landings: reframing Lampedusa through the COVID-19 emergency. Ethnic and Racial Studies. ISSN :1466-4356. DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2021.1953558.
2021. (with Giliberti, L. & Flippi, D.) From Lampedusa to the Susa Valley: solidarity networks in two border battlegrounds. Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 26, 5: 608-626. ISSN: 1354-571X. DOI: 10.1080/1354571X.2021.1953776.
2021. ‘Filming (With) Gangs: An Essay on Visual Sociology in Barcelona’. In International Handbook of Critical Gang Studies edited by D. Brotherton and R. Gu., London: Routledge
2021. ‘”Now is the real Jungle!” Institutional hunting and migrants’ survival after the eviction of the Calais camp. Society and Space.
2021. (with F. Rahola). ‘The work of Knotting’. In Debordering Europe, edited by L. Amigoni et al., Palgrave-MacMillan: London, New York.
2020. ‘Per un altro spettacolo di confine’. In Abitare la frontiera. Lotte neo-rurali e solidarietà ai migranti sul confine franco-italiano, by L. Giliberti, Verona: Ombre Corte.
2020. (with F. Rahola). Underground Europe. Lungo Le Rotte Migranti. Milano: Meltemi.
2020. ‘Exploring a Solidarity Route: Cultural Artefacts, Art Interventions and Encounters on the French-Italian Border’. Journal of Modern Italian Studies.
2020. (with L. Giliberti). ‘Solidarities in Transit on the French–Italian Border: Ethnographic Accounts from Ventimiglia and the Roya Valley’. In Migration, Borders and Citizenship: Between Policy and Public Spheres, edited by M. Ambrosini, M. Cinalli, and D. Jacobson, 109–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
2020. ‘Back to the Sicilian Landing Site: Exploring a Borderland through a Refugee Gaze’. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography.
2019. ‘At the Borders of the European Fortress: “Rizki”, Being a Young Migrant in Ceuta and Melilla’. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education 11: 62–84.
2018. (with L. Stagi). ‘Wearing a Veil. Gender and Generations in Post Revolution Tunisia’. Italian Journal of Sociology of Education 10 (2): 9–23.
2018. (with L. Stagi). Winou El Shabab: Images of Transformations between the Two Shores of the Mediterranean. Genova: Genova University Press.
2018. (with J. Sebag, J. Durand, C. Louveau, L. Stagi). Sociologie Visuelle et Filmique. Le Point de Vue Dans La Vie Quotidienne. Immagin-Azioni Sociali. Genoa: Genova University Press.
2017. (with L. Stagi). Dopo La Rivoluzione: Paesaggi Giovanili e Sguardi Di Genere Nella Tunisia Contemporanea. Prima edizione. Etnografie 5. Verona: Ombre corte.
2017. Cómo Se Construye Un Enemigo Público: Las Bandas Latinas: Una Etnografía Del Estado. 1a. edición. Útiles 18. Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños.
2017. ‘Tra Le Macerie Della Jungle Di Calais. Reperti Da Una Battaglia’. [In the Ruins of the Calais Jungle. Traces of a Battle.] Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa, no. 3: 453–70.
2017. ‘Nuit Debout. Transiti, Connessioni e Contestazioni Negli Accampamenti Urbani Dei Rifugiati a Parigi’. [Nuit Debout. Transits, Connections and Contestations in Refugee Urban Makeshift Camps in Paris.] MONDI MIGRANTI, no. 2: 207–27.
2016. ‘Gangs in the Latino Atlantic. La Raza Latina, Transnationalism and Generations’. In Youth, Space and Time. Agoras and Chronotopes in the Global City, by C. Feixa, C. Leccardi, and P. Nilan. Youth in a Globalizing World 3. Brill.
2015. ‘The Policies and Policing of Gangs in Contemporary Spain. An Ethnography of a Bureaucratic Field of the State’. Sociologica, no. 2/2015.
2014. ‘Bandas Fuera! Escuela, espacio público y exclusión’. [Gangs out! School, Public Space and Exclusion.] Revista Española de Sociologia 21: 25–46.
Project: Borderlands
Project: De-bordering activities and citizenship from below of asylum seekers in Italy. Policies, practices, people
Project: De-bordering activities and citizenship from below of asylum seekers in Italy. Policies, practices, people
The struggle for movement: Sudanese forced migration, refugee choices and support networks.
La ville et ses frontières: tactiques migrantes et ethnographie participante
Rotte migratorie tra Tunisia e Sicilia: strategie di mobilità dei migranti dentro le reti mediterranee di resistenza
Parcours de l’actualité, pour une sociologie visuelle des réthorique habitantes.
Undocumented migration, gender and social representations: the case of Tunisina women
Arts and migrations
Cinéma en luttes(s): a research-creation essay
Frontiere temporali. Soggettività migranti nello spazio-tempo europeo contemporaneo. Co-tutored with Federico Rahola