Enrico Fravega


Dipartimento di Scienze della Formazione

Genova. Corso Podestà, 2

Enrico Fravega, sociologist, is Assistant Professor (RTD-A) at the University of Genoa. His research activity is focused in the fields of refugee studies, migration studies and border studies.

In his recent research work, he explored the nexus between migration, housing conditions and temporalities. His methodological approach mainly relies on ethnographic and participative methods, as well as on biographical techniques.

He is member of the ERC AdG SOLROUTES research project (www.solroutes.eu) and he is coordinator of the MOBS research group (www.mobsprin2020.org).

Together with Massimo Cannarella he is the author of the documentary “Il Crollo” (2022) a short documentary about the human and housing experience of the people displaced from their homes following the collapse of the Morandi Bridge. He is also among the authors of the documentary “Mainland” (2022).

Selected publications

Fravega E. & Boccagni P. (2024). Home and housing. In Cvajner, M., Kivisto, P., Sciortino, G. (eds.). Research Handbook on Sociology of Migration. Edward Elgar Handbook.

Fravega E. (2023). Looking for homes in migrants’ informal settlements. A case study from Italy. In Imiscoe-Springer Handbook “Migration and domestic space: Ethnographies of home in the making” (eds.: Boccagni, P., Bonfanti, S.). Pages: 153-170.

Fravega, E., Giudici, D., Boccagni, P., (2023). La lotta per il tempo. Temporalità contestate nell’esperienza dei richiedenti asilo in Italia. Milano: Meltemi.

Fravega, E. (2022). L’abitare migrante. Racconti biografici e percorsi abitativi di migranti in Italia. Milano: Meltemi.

Bonnin, I., Fravega, E., & Queirolo Palmas, L. (2024). Of land and sea: “Interested solidarities” and the migration industry from below. Mondi Migranti, 2, 159-189. (A class review)

Giliberti, L., & Fravega, E. (2024). Contested Time. Migrants’ Temporal Practices and Agency in Institutional Reception and Grassroots Solidarity at the Canary Islands. Italian Sociological Review, 14(9S), 299–320.  [DOI: 10.13136/isr.v14i9S.692] (A class review)

Fravega E. (2023). Schizochronicity. Dispossession and fragmentation of asylum seekers’ temporalities. The Lab’s Quarterly, n. 2, 17-38. [DOI: 10.13131/unipi/7jte-vs68]

Fravega, E., Anderlini, J., (2023). Razzializzazione in corso. Il caso degli insediamenti informali dei migranti nei distretti agricoli del Mezzogiorno. Sociologia urbana e rurale, n. 45, (131), 42–58. [DOI: 10.3280/SUR2023-131003] (A class review)

Belloni M., Fravega E., Giudici D., (2020). Fuori dall’accoglienza: insediamenti informali di rifugiati tra marginalità e autonomia. Politiche Sociali/Social Policies, n. 2 pp. 225-244. [DOI: 10.7389/97987]

Fravega E., (2018). L’abitare migrante. Aspetti teorici e prospettive di ricerca. Mondi migranti, n.1, 199-223. [DOI: 10.3280/MM2018-001010] (A class review)

Corso Andrea Podestà, 2 - 16121 Genova (GE)


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