The next RFN conference will be held in Genoa (13-17/06) – The Cfp is open!

We’re very happy to announce that the Genova conference is going ahead this year!
It’s taken some time due to problems with the organization at the local level, but we’re back on track, with a little help from the wonderful RFN Steering Group, and we’re finally ready to reopen the CFP for a few weeks. We’ve decided to reopen the call to give people a chance to participate if they hadn’t sent anything last year, when things still felt more uncertain. We’ll be accepting proposals until March 7th.
We’re going to get in touch with everyone who had already sent us a proposal last year in the next couple of weeks, so you’ll be hearing from us soon.
Please note that the conference email address is still rfngenova21, because it would be impractical to change it, so that’s not a typo in the CFP. The CFP is also available on the RFN website, where we’ll be publishing updates on registration and other practical information. Although this is going to be a festival/conference, we’re only accepting proposals for the conference bit (see CFP for details), not for films.
Here’s the link to the updated CFP on the RFN website:
We’re really looking forward to getting together again for the RFN conference and hope to see you in Genova next June!
The organizers of RFN Genova 2022