Una discussione a partire dai volumi ‘Forms of Collective Engagement in Youth Transitions: A Global Perspective’, Brill, 2021 e ‘Youth Collectivities: Cultures and Objects’, Routledge 2021, curati da V Cuzzocrea, B Schiermer, B Gook.
Intervengono: Sebastiano Benasso (Università di Genova) e Carmen Leccardi (Università Milano Bicocca). Partecipano alla discussione gli autori: Massimiliano Andretta (Università di Pisa), Enzo Colombo (Università di Milano), Valentina Cuzzocrea (Università di Cagliari), Ilaria Pitti (Università di Bologna) e Paola Rebughini (Università di Milano)
Coordina: Giuliana Mandich (Università di Cagliari).
The purpose of the conference is to explore current developments in refugee intake and solidarity practices in Europe and Canada through three main areas:
Politics of refugee reception
Welcoming and local solidarity
Private refugee sponsorship programs
In an effort to provide an open and multidisciplinary platform for dialogue, the organizers invite established and emerging scholars and practitioners to share their research and expertise in the field and welcome approaches from a variety of disciplines, including, but not limited to, sociology, anthropology, geography, law, political science and urban studies.
The conference language is English. Submissions should not exceed 300 words, and should be submitted along with a short biography of the author(s) by JULY 15, 2022 to ervis.martani@unige.it. Accepted proposals will receive a notification by July 15, 2022. Selected papers will be evaluated by the organizers for submission to a special issue of a peer-reviewed journal. The final paper must therefore be submitted by October 15, 2022.
[1]This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 835466. The content of this publication reflects only the author’s view and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
The Radical Film Network (un)Conference will take place in Genoa from 13th to 17th of June. The programme of screenings and workshop is available for download, clicking here.Registration is mandatory for all participants, regardless of whether they pay or not. I
For more information about the event you can check the RFN webpage: https://radicalfilmnetwork.com/conferences/genoa-2022/
La (un)Conference del Radical Film Network avrà luogo a Genova dal 13 al 17 Giugno. Il programma delle proiezioni e dei workshop è disponibile per il download, cliccando qui. L’iscrizione è obbligatoria per tuttə lə partecipanti, paganti e non. Il modulo di iscrizione è disponibile qui.
Per maggiori informazioni sull’evento si può consultare la pagina web di RFN: https://radicalfilmnetwork.com/conferences/genoa-2022/