Illusions and reality: the memory factory


April, 25-26. 2020
Rabat International University

Memory is history, belief, ritual, symbol, knowledge, power and illusion. Memory is observable through a multiplicity of artistic, literary, social and political expressions and would be configured as a folktale that cradles young people, like the songs and dances that illuminate the evenings of celebration, as a personal vision, outlining a combination of colors and shapes, like a fairy tale animated by the mechanical movement of a film in a black box. Memory is, in short, a tangible and intangible heritage useful for the construction of collective identities and imaginaries. Grasping the notion of memory through human expression (cinema, photography and painting) is a doubly relevant perspective. The theme of the convention, scheduled in Rabat for 25 and 26 April 2019, addresses the question of the constitution of memory in the form of oppositions that create meanings, and explain the process of its transmission.
Contributions that are located on one of these axes are accepted:
1. Ethnology, anthropology (Ethnographic images in Africa and the Mediterranean);
2. Sociology, Film Sociology;
3. Staging of politics;
4. Stories and disputed memories of Morocco


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